Lauren is a mom of three and a former D1 athlete with 17 years of teaching group fitness and personal training. Lauren created her own blend of high intensity interval training and small muscle group sculpting workouts based on years of experience utilizing multiple types of exercises. Her own business adventure began in 2020 when she started LTE FIT and has now culminated into THE VIBE. Her goal is to create smart, efficient, strength-based classes to keep her students healthy and fit for all aspects of their lives.

What is the VIBE you bring to your classes? I’d like to think I am a mix of fun, intensity, and an overall feeling of not taking it all too seriously. You will always hear me laughing at myself if I mix up words, telling stupid jokes, and keeping the feeling of class light-hearted. But all that said, I want each and every person that takes my class to walk away feeling like they gave it their all; that they achieved greatness.

Quote or song lyric that speaks to you: “I’m damned if I do give a damn what people say” – Taylor Swift

How old were you when you had your first celebrity crush and who was it? Joey McIntyre… if you were born in the early 80’s there is no way you escaped the NKOTB crushes!

How would your 10 year old self react to what you do now? This question makes me cry because I just know 10 year old Lauren would be so damn proud. It has been such a journey to get here and I just have to remind myself to take it all in.

What’s a fun fact about yourself that people do not know about you? Ok, if you’ve ever shared a cocktail with me, then you definitely already know this ;) – I am obsessed with astrology. Give me your exact birth time and date and I’ll tell you all about yourself.


A lifelong athlete who competitively swam and played tennis, you will find Mary Jane dominating the paddle courts when not teaching at The Vibe. Mary Jane, a mom of 3, has been with LTE FIT since the beginning of 2020 and is excited to be bringing to her clients the fun and effective workout she has loved for years.

What is the VIBE you bring to your classes? Hopefully all good Vibes! Fun music, a good butt-whoop and probably some over sharing because as my husband always says, I can't help myself.

When I’m not sweating I’m… sweating on the paddle courts or driving my children to their sporting events.

What is your favorite meal? Anything with queso.

What’s an interesting fact about yourself that people might not know about you? I had 2 emergency brain surgeries 28 weeks pregnant with my 3rd child to remove a brain tumor.

What’s on your bucket list? Owning a home in Vail or Beaver Creek and somewhere tropical like the Virgin Islands or Cayman. A girl can dream!


Kirby's love of movement began before she can even remember--always active as a kid she realized the joy that comes from moving her body. Ultimately, becoming a mom solidified how exercise and fitness are paramount in taking care of her body and mind. She understands more than ever how even just an hour out of a day for ourselves can make our lives extraordinarily better. After years of trying out other classes, Kirby is the strongest she has ever been from 3 years of taking LTE FIT classes.

What is the VIBE you bring to your classes? Let's work hard, but have fun doing it! For so many of us, exercise is a short amount of time that we can give to ourselves, for ourselves. I want my class to give clients the energy they need for each day and to give them the outlet to be completely focused on themselves.

When I’m not sweating I’m… Running around with our three kids - hockey, dance carpools, etc; enjoy cooking, reading, going for walks.

How old were you when you had your first celebrity crush and who was it? My first celebrity crush was Johnny (Patrick Swayze) from Dirty Dancing. I was in love, obsessed. I think I was in 3rd grade maybe??

What is your favorite meal? I love pizza, would eat it every day if I could.

What is the best concert you have ever been to? Coldplay!


Lara is the proud mother of three amazing children and runs her own educational consulting firm full time. She has been teaching fitness classes for the past ten years on the North Shore. Lara is an ACE certified instructor and has experience teaching barre, strength, stretch and HIIT formats. Lara focuses each class on connecting wellness for the mind and body.


Tara, a former triathlete and mom of 2, is a seasoned instructor who began her career teaching Yoga Sculpt at Core Power. She is currently working towards her 200 hour Yoga Certificate as well as teaching at the VIBE and at Core Power. Tara has a calming force to her teaching with a focus on form and strength.

What is the VIBE you bring to your classes? The vibe I bring to my clients is enthusiasm while feeling supported and motivated throughout the entire class!

How would your 10 year old self react to what you do now? When I was 10 years old my mom was an aerobics instructor at the local YMCA. She would often take me to her classes where I would sit against the back of the studio as the women would do their workout led by my mom. I remember how silly it seemed to watch these women in their leg warmers moving around to loud music. But, I also remember how happy the women were when they left and often thanked my mom. While my ten-year-old self cannot comment on any leg warmers in my studio, I do think she would be proud that I too encourage and inspire others the way my mom did.

What is a fun fact about yourself that people might not know about you? I love musicals! I am so happy and relaxed when watching a musical. Don’t be alarmed if you catch me playing a show tune or two in my class.

Quote or song lyric that speaks to you? “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou

What is your favorite meal? Charcuterie board with a good glass of wine

When I am not sweating I am… spending time with my husband and my two daughters. I love meeting up with friends and family to golf, meet for dinner or just relax on the beach.


Erin Stutland is a former professional dancer, best selling author, coach, meditation teacher and fitness instructor. She is the creator of a multi-platform movement reaching people in 155 countries around the world. Her unique blend of movement, mantras and mindfulness has gotten her featured on The Rachel Ray Show, The Today Show, Glamour Magazine, Shape and more.  You can find her on Instagram  @erin.stutland.